A paradigm shift in the operation of economic and social affairs and governance to realize the full potential of the Republic of Korea through grand national integration and sustainable development
The Call of the Times
- Happy People
- [Economy & Science]
To create jobs, address public anxieties about the future and establish a fair market economy through a Creative Economy
- [Employment & Welfare]
To redress economic and social imbalances while maintaining institutional health
- [Society]
To guarantee a comfortable life rooted in a community of trust
- [Government]
To run an integrated, interactive government centered on the people
- Secure Korean Peninsula
- [Security]
To protect the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea and secure its safety on the basis of a robust national defense and international cooperation
- [Unification]
To move toward peaceful unification through a trust-building process on the Korean Peninsula
- [Foreign Affairs]
To carry out mutually-beneficial diplomacy toward traditionally friendly nations and neighboring countries and to further broaden diplomatic horizons
- Reliable and Exemplary Nation
- [International Leader]
To set an example as a leading nation on all fronts ranging from the economy and welfare to social cohesion and civic awareness as well as to play a pivotal role on such issues as the environment and official development assistance to help nurture an era of global happiness
The Guiding Principles of the Administration of State Affairs
Paradigm Shift in National Development
Paradigm Shift in National Development |
Area |
The Present |
The Future |
The focus of the administration of state affairs |
The Nation |
Individuals |
Economic Growth Model |
- Catching up with advanced nations
- Input-oriented quantitative growth (economic growth rate)
- Focused on export, manufacturing and conglomerates, resulting in unbalanced growth
- Undisciplined capitalism
- Leading in the global market
- Productivity-oriented qualitative growth (employment rate)
- Focus on domestic demand, the service industry and SMEs, leading to balanced growth
- Well-disciplined capitalism
Paradigm of social progress |
- (Growth -> Welfare) Linear cause and effect
- Focused on physical capital (infrastructure)
- Insensitivity to safety
- (Growth<->Welfare) Recognition of the cyclic relationship
- Focus on social capital (community based on mutual confidence)
- Safety first
Directions of Governance |
- Government-led administration and private-sector conformity
- Focused on the execution of policies
- Barriers among ministries and agencies
- Collaborative administration and communication between the Government and private sector
- Focus on the evaluation of policies
- Collaboration among ministries and agencies
A New Era of Hope

- Administrative Priority 1
- Economic Revival
- Administrative Priority 2
- Happiness For the People
- Administrative Priority 3
- Cultural Enrichment
- Administrative Priority 4
- Foundation for Peaceful Unification